Author: admin

A weird little nest of my own

So my friend M lives in this gorgeous old yellow row house in Columbia Heights. If she is cool with it, one of my future posts may be a love letter to her house. Visiting her has gotten me thinking about how much I miss having a house with a soul. My old condo had a soul. It was a… Read more →

I’ve psyched myself out again.

I haven’t posted in… a while. It’s not that I haven’t started, even nearly finished, several entries. I just never feel like they’re really good enough. It’s like that with a lot of things in my life, really — I stop pursuing them because I feel like mediocrity is inevitable. But it’s high time I punched mediocrity in the face… Read more →

“I’ve always felt very temporary about myself.”

I’m not putting up the Christmas tree this year. It’s in storage at my parents’ house, and my roommate’s cat is apparently a climber anyway, and… it just doesn’t feel like the place we live is “home” enough to really undertake seasonal decorating. It’s been a rough six months at the Satellite of Love. We went from two healthy full-time… Read more →

Your brains, Fezzik’s strength, my steel. And a wheelbarrow and a holocaust cloak.

So, like I said a while back, this is a process. Life doesn’t slow down to give you a chance to get all your projects done, and occasionally lets all the water out of your budget to do them. One project I’ve been trying to figure out how to do with zero funds is turning this awesome window (snagged on… Read more →

So clearly I should ditch all this stuff and become a minimalist

There’s a weird pattern that’s emerged in my life over the last year. I don’t know if it’s actually a pattern so much as a coincidence, but here goes: within a week of getting all my art finally hung up on the wall, some catastrophe at least raises the specter of having to move months earlier than originally planned. Back… Read more →

They yell! Like cranky humans! And they prance!

There are trends in home decor around certain animals, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Owls have been hot for a few years. Foxes and deer are pretty omnipresent as well. And sloths are making a definite play for inescapability. So what’s the next big thing? I’m voting for goats. Goats are great! They’re clever and sure-footed and sound like really… Read more →

Green fairies and tiny bubbles

You guys, it is taking a lot not to just unload a bunch of stream-of-consciousness rambling on you right now. I was going to, and then I thought, why I don’t I just say I’m not going to, and then people will know where my brain is at without having to actually wade through all the random crapola that’s swimming… Read more →

Spaces, like species, evolve slowly

My desk has been disappointing for a while. This doesn’t have to be the case. It doesn’t fit in my room, but roomie TC and I have no need for a dining room, so we turned that space into an office/guest room. So it currently houses my desk and her desk and the extra bed. And very little else except… Read more →

And roof of mossy green

I have a weird affinity for moss. Weird because generally speaking, I try to avoid Things in Nature as much as possible. Well, that’s not fair — I love most types of animals that have four legs or fewer. But I’m just allergic to every damn thing that grows. Not moss, though. And I adore the feeling of moss under… Read more →

Dreams in Steel

I was in a “yes” mood when a friend suggested I take a metal sculpture class with her. At the time I signed up, I was just looking for occupations while I took a break from theater work. By the time the second class rolled around, my relationship had just dissolved like wet Kleenex and my life was in the… Read more →